
Introduction (Tilman Reitz)

From privilege to property and back to the privilege? On the structure and subject matter of IPRs (Alexander Peukert)

The legal (infra-) structures of digital commons (Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay)

Remarks on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: Conflicts over data control in Machine Learning (Susanne Draheim & Kai von Luck)

The Software Commons - Preservation and Risks (Stefano Zacchiroli)

Platforms as technical and economic infrastructures — Conflicts over Property? (Philipp Staab)

The corporate control of pharmaceutical and digital innovation networks (Cecilia Rikap)

Money is Data? How digitalization threatens the (information) infrastructures that underpin modern money (Barbara Brandl)

Bringing work back in — Towards a new capitalist mode of production (Tobias Kämpf)

Taking names to place in the digital economy: Digital Intelligence, Intelligence Corporation, and Community Data (Parminder Jeet Singh)